E-mail: info@globaltalentagency.com |

Our Vision, Mission, and Values

Our Vision

Harnessing the power of the global internet, Global Talent Agency provides the newest and most innovative way for our clients to be discovered. The Agency strives to give our clients a direct way to make important career connections.

Our Mission

We aim to be the world foremost market place for artists to showcase their talent. Embracing the complete spectrum of entertainment industry disciplines: artists, writers, filmmakers, musicians, technicians, all are welcome. This is the place where talented people can find the people who need to find them.

Our Values

Our Goals

We strive to do the best for our clients. We will be diligent in presenting our clients to the world marketplace.


Clients come first. To that end we strive to provide each client and producer/buyer with services of uncompromising quality. The client's work (i.e., anything you entrust to us) will be handled with confidentiality at all times. We dedicate ourselves to the relentless pursuit of excellence in the services we provide.


The credibility of all our processes, decisions, and actions ultimately is driven by candor and transparency in all our dealings with our clients and all those who interact with our clients. We comply with all Federal and State Laws governing our business, not only as a legal obligation, but because it is the right thing to do.


We seek innovative ways to enhance client exposure to the global entertainment community. We support and encourage our clients' creativity, courage, and persistence. To that end, we conduct ongoing research, seeking better ways to expose our clients to the world market.


We strive toward excellence by stressing collective goals, supporting and encouraging open communication and meaningful cooperation among colleagues from varying disciplines, forms of representation, and backgrounds. To that end, the Agency is always open to collaboration based on mutual goals. The very nature of global representation demands the respect of individual differences and values; the diversity of thoughts, cultures, and forms of presentation and purpose.

Corporate Goal

Through excellent service to our clients, we aim to achieve and maintain industry leadership, growth, and respect.

Copyright © 2009-2018 Global Talent Agency